Arizona Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Matthew Gold
Matthew is an outstanding person, his maturity and passion to grow and learn has propelled him to great heights! Last week at regional Matthew asked to purchase teffilin so he can wear them daily; but most importantly asked to learn all the reasoning and halachot relating to this great mitzvah! What an inspiration you are!! Visiting Israel on TJJ this summer will surely help you continue your amazing journey.
Matthew, keep going and growing and never look back!!
City Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Yoni Coen
Though he has been recognized before for his efforts, Yoni’s hard work has finally paid off; as of 2014 Yoni has officially been voted on to Regional Board! Even though he did not start attending NCSY until 11th grade Yoni’s passion has really shown as he leads his peers and his school to show other teens what it really means to be a proud Jew! Yoni you are truly awesome and watching you grow has been life changing. It is amazing to see how your friends look up to you for guidance and advise. As you enter what is the final stretch of your high school era we know we so so excited to see what you will do!
Las Vegas Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Amy Schlanger
Amy Schlanger has taken Las Vegas NCSY by storm. In the past several months she has been instrumental in bringing Las Vegas NCSY to new heights. Her diversity in the areas of public media, technical programming and all the way to the front lines of recruiting has been tremendous. Amy was also extremely instrumental in founding a brand new JSU Club at West Career Tech Academy.
On behalf of the entire chapter, we congratulate and thank Amy for everything she has done and continues to do for Las Vegas NCSY!
NorCal Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Joe Shapiro
Joe Shapiro is now in 9th grade and is one of the most active NCSYers of our chapter. He is a regular at our weekly Latte N’ Learning, and participates in every event, Shabbaton, and learning opportunity possible! He was just at his first Regional (Nor-what?!) and had, of course, an incredibly fun and meaningful time. Joe bring his passion for Judaism to every NCSY event, and his wealth of knowledge has him asking insightful questions in every class. Joe is also looking forward to either going on JOLT or another NCSY summer program next year.
Orange County Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Sapeer Yehezkel
As a freshman, Sapeer is new to NCSY but in a short amount of time she has made a huge impact in our chapter. Sapeer had a great time on Freshmen Shabbaton and has started to become a regular at club and LNL events, even bringing her friends. Recently, Sapeer came on her first Regional Shabbaton and absolutely loved it. I hope she continues to bring her fun and positive attitude to all our events and help grow our newly ignited chapter!
Portland Chapter
NCSYer of the Month:Whitney Kagan
December has been a great month for Whitney. She attended every NCSY event this month. She also maintained her weekly chavrusa learning in order to prepare herself for Nation Yarchei Kallah where she spent 5 days in NY studying Torah! In addition, Whitney got accepted to Stern College as well! Mazel Tov!
San Diego Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Ari Krasner.
Not only was Ari one of the stars of the recent West Coast Regional with his Havdallah and Kabbalat Shabbat debuts, he has been instrumental in developing and pushing through many amazing new programs including region-wide programs and chapter specific programs. His tenacity, drive, and unrelenting attitude toward helping his peers and the organization succeed are the reason Ari is this month’s NCSYer of the Month.
Seattle Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Gabi Benisti
Gabi has been involved in Seattle NCSY for all of high school. She is now planning her third NCSY Summer Experience for 2014. This year Gabi joined chapter board and is a founding member of the Seattle JUMP Club which pulled off it’s first fundraiser; Chinese and Movie Night to raise funds for Orly Ohayom. Together with Abbi Weiss, Shira Puterman, Ruth Boldor and others Gabi spent the day leading up to the event cooking all the food and getting as many people as possible to come. Gabi is a fixture at every NCSY event and a true asset to our chapter.
Valley Chapter
NCSYer of the Month: Jessica Wizman
Jessica has become super involved over the past year. You can find her every Monday at DNL and frequents Shabbat Dinners in our home. She attends her JSU club at CHAMPS High School and has been recruiting her little brother as a future NCSYer. Thanks for all your NCSY Love. See you this Friday night!
West Valley Chapter
NCSYer of the Month:Gal Kalderon
Gal Kalderon has been a mainstay not only in West Valley NCSY but in NCSY as a whole. Gal has attended numerous events and has impacted everyone. She always attends Dinner N’ Learning in North Hollywood, Latte N’ Learning in Tarzana, and JSU Club at Taft. She is a leader within NCSY and specifically at all the events she attends. She has shown a willingness to learn and stays late to try and gather more and more information. Only in 11th grade, Gal has a bright future ahead of her. Great job and keep it up!