REBO D’var Torah – Parshas Ha’azinu by Yosef Cassell

Posted on October 14, 2016

This week’s Parsha is parshas Ha’azinu which unlike most parshas, Ha’azinu is a song that Moshe says to the jewish people.  In the song Moshe warns the Jews that they would ”become fat… and… desert God. ”Today we can see the connection between ”becoming fat” or success, and deserting God. Sometimes, when a person becomes successful the person can come to thinks of how great of a job they did, about how they deserve all the praise because they did a good job.  However, what many people overlook is that God takes part in our everyday lives and a person can only be successful if God had helped and allowed the person to be so.

The expression “there are no atheists in a foxhole” works for the reverse of this situation. People seem to remember God when bad things are happening to them and ask God why do they deserve this misfortune. Human nature is to blame others and at the same time try to take the credit for themselves. This very action was what Moshe was warning the us not to do. Do not simply “be successful,” by building your ego because of it, and turn away from God. Instead, learn where your success came from and use that to build your relationship with God. Let’s kickoff this new year with a stronger relationship with God recognizing all the blessings that come our way!!!

Yosef Cassell
West Coast NCSY Regional Board
City Chapter