Parsha Bo

Posted on January 22, 2015

I don’t know about you, but I know sometimes in school I am given an essay and am told I can write about whatever I want on a specific topic.  The following class I am then given guidelines and qualifications about what the essay needs to contain.  I get angered by this sudden set of rules I am now required to follow after getting excited about having freedom to express myself.

In this week’s parsha, parsha Bo the same situation occurs.  The Israelites are all told that they will be freed from Egypt and after freed are then given a list of commandments.  “Is this a joke?” I thought to myself as I read the last Alliya.  Can God really enslave all these Israelites after immediately being released from a regime?  Then I thought to myself, what is the purpose of a commandment.  God gave us the gift of Torah and commandments to improve our way of life.  After being released from a regime this is exactly what the Israelites needed.

Like in school teachers give us guidelines to help us and improve our essay and its content.  The guidelines we are given in life, whether that be for an essay or for life are only to help us.  I know in the moment it is hard to realize this and not give into our yetzer hara, but the reward when we don’t give in, surpasses the feeling of enjoyment we would have had if we were to give in to those moments of weakness.  When the Israelite men are commanded by God to wear tefillin and to bring sacrifices, it’s easy in the moment to want to say no and not understand the point or the bigger picture.  But because our ancestors said yes and did not give in to their evil desires, we were able to accepted God’s commandments and therefore live more fulfilled lives as a result.

Though at first glance it may be difficult to view God’s commandments as a positive thing, ultimately He knows what is best for us.  I hope you all have a meaningful and happy Shabbos, after all it is a commandment.

Good Shabbos,

Mikayla Kimel